Phobos and Deimos

Attempt to make 3D models for rogue-shaped moons of Mars. This is not really a 3D models, this is a regular SE "planet" with a regular cubemap texture and elevation map, but elevation amplitude is very big. The elevation map is 16-bit and defines a...

Eclipse shadows

Implemented eclipse shadows. They are analytically calculated in the planet surface fragment shader.View from the eclipsed body:...

Mulitple light sources

Three suns illuminating Saturn (just for a test):Light source can be local. This one looks like a nuclear explosion near Saturn:Mulitple lights are needed not only binary and multople star systems, but for illumination of moons and planets by each others:This is the Moon illuminated...

Detail texture for Saturn rings

Noise texture is sampled 4 times: 2 octaves of a normal 2D noise, 2 octaves of radially applied noise. This splits rings into millions of a narrow sub-rings....

Saturn rings lighting

Front lighting:Contraversal lighting:This is based on a famous backlit Saturn photo from Cassini (this is a real photo):...

SpaceEngine dev blog

This is the first ever publication I ever made about SpaceEngine. It was originally published on the forum. Original text was lost, only video remained. This was because I update the opening post multiple times during many years. Releases of first SE versoins were...