Logarithmic depth buffer

I've made experiments with the logarithmic depth buffer. Results are pretty cool, but there is a lot of work to do. For these screenshots I used astronaut and Discovery model from Doc's 2001 ships pack. Their sizes are real, not exaggerated as Doc originally made....

GUI update

Updated Star Browser and new appearance of tables....

Ship manager update

Ship manager has been updated. Now you able to build and destroy ships, and sort tables by any column. Building and destroying have no visual effects, and no economic purposes. Constructed ship just appears in front of the camera. List of ships to build is...

Modular ships

Implemented modular space ships. Do you remember this huge ship from default ships pack? Its model consumes 24 Mb of VRAM. Imagine a small fleet of various ships of such a complexity...

Transparent materials

Added "transparent" materials (alpha-rejection method). It allow to create grids or trusses....

Ship lights

Finally, I've implemented ship lights. Also, implemented color specular textures - note golden sunspot on the hyperdrive rings. This is updated SHW's "Y-wing" model. Lights is poorly noticeable when ship is brightly illuminated by the sun:But at the dark side, heat radiators glow is clearly visible:Hab...

Solar system browser update

Today I added two features to the Solar system browser: close button on its window and green text in cells to indicate that object have a life or satellites with life. So, would it be useful, or unnecessary thing? SE already have: the Star browser...

Display settings update

Today's update:Updated Display settings menu: options to toggle to fullscreen, choosing fullscreen and windowed mode resolution, VSync, and anisotropy level SE window saves its size, location and fullscreen state to the config and restores them at the next launchHe above screenshot is taken in the 1280x720...

Star browser update and planet detail improvements

Star browser: generation of systems is moved to parallel threads. Now it uses all the CPU cores, filling the table is accelerated by multiple times (depending on the number of additional cores), and FPS is not affected. Maximum count of stars is increased to 10000....