Joysticks and gamepads support

Recently I was working on implementing support of joysticks and gamepads, and now it may be considered as 'ready'. Above is my test configuration (Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, 3D Connection SpaceNavigator, and XBox360 controller). Now SE supports up to 16 controllers simultaneously. You can assign...

Stereoscopic 3D support 2

Now (almost) all 3D modes are ready! Here is a set of example screenshots:No 3D:Anaglyph:Vertical anamorphic stereopair with interlacing:Horizontal anamorphic stereopair with interlacing:Vertical anamorphic stereopair:Horizontal anamorphic stereopair:Oculus Rift:You can see a lot of settings in each mode: interpupillary distance, 3D depth, swap left/right, interface depth...

Oculus Rift support development 2

Made separate rendering of the GUI and the frame for Oculus Rift (so HDR, FXAA and so did not affect the GUI). But because the GUI texture resolution is bigger than its image on the final frame, there is an undersampling of texture obtained, resulting...

Fixed FXAA implementation

I fixed a bug with FXAA atialiasing. The mistake was applying it after adding the bloom effect (light halo around bright objects). This was effectively disabling antialiasing on bright areas of the image. Look the screenshots. You may notice that bright areas are antialiased now....

Stereoscopic 3D support

I got a 3D TV and now working on various steroscopic modes. First two are for passive (polarization) displays, verical and horizontal anamorphic stereopairs. You must switch you TV to 3D mode to be able to see these images:BTW, this first image shows a problem...

Oculus Rift support development

Implemented offset frustums. Now eye convergence and sense of scale are perfect. GUI is more or less usable with simple scaling, although some GUI windows did not fit the field of view and must be scrolled....

Animated procedural stellar corona

This is a sort of a fractal, generated directly at the rendering stage. Star corona is rendered as three orthogonal planes, passed through the center of a star, as in the previous version. But now they are use procedural noise to texture the planes, instead...

First Oculus Rift test render

I started working on Oculus Rift support. Above is a simple stereoscopic render, without distortion shader, but it looks great.The engine renders two separate frames very well, without any specific optimizations FPS drop is about 15-20%. A lot of work required on GUI - all...

Procedural rivers

New landform - something that looks like rivers. I call them pseudo rivers. Of course this is not a real rivers, i.e. they don't flow from highland to the sea, they have no inflows etc. River nets sometimes look strange - like blood vessels, and...