Solar system browser update

Updates of the Solar system browser: 1) The "fictive system barycenter" is not displayed now (it is a barycenter used to add a catalog star with a custom data). This allows to add a catalog entry for the Sun with proper temperature and rotation axis/period. 2) Ability...

Current work

Some minor updates.Star particles in planetary systems now works like lens flares: they are occluded by planets.Before (Sun is just hide beyond Saturn, but particle is still visible) / after (particle occluded like lens flare):[bafg id="5206"]HarbingerDawn has made new Ceres texture map based on recent...

Bumpy detail noise on planets

I upgraded detail noise on planet surface and water to "specular bump" method. They now interact with lighting and thus look "volumetric". Screenshots can't show this though. The second screenshot was taken from a human growth height....

New terrain features

Terrain shaders update. Above - new ice cracks and "freckles" on ice worlds.Below - rimae on selenas (based on pseudo-rivers, like in Rodrigo mod):...

HarbingerDawn's work

Giant StarsGiant star rendering has been updated. The size of the convection cells now depends on the star's surface gravity, and to a lesser extent its temperature. This gives a smooth continuum of appearance from dense small giants like Alnitak and Saiph, which look like...

Quick atmosphere color adjustement

A new feature: recolouring of the atmospheric scattering. I added ability to set custom hue and saturation for atmosphere of any planet. SE now uses this to randomize colors of the standard atmo models, to make new ones (pink, gree, yelow etc). This feature is...

Chemical composition of atmosphere

Update that everyone wanted for a very long time: chemical composition of atmospheres. Current implementation is far from complete and may give unrealistic results.Good old CO2 atmosphere:This is a sauna planet - looks like a terra with boiled out oceans. Not a far future of...

Static position of planetary bodies

A new feature what may be liked by mod makers: stationary position for planetary bodies. Now you can type this in the star/planet/asteroid script instead of Orbit {} tag:StaticPosXYZ ( 1000 2000 3000 )orFixedPosXYZ ( 1000 2000 3000 )The first option makes an object to...

Updated rendering of brown dwarfs

Brown dwarfs now have apparance what smoothly changes from star-like for hottest L0 class to a gas giant-like for colder Y9 class:L1L3L6L9T2T5T8Y0Y3...

Updated rendering of cold stars

Upgrades in cool star rendering. Stars are red dwarfs M8.1, M9.0, M9.9. Brown dwarfs are L6, T5, Y5. Note what late stars have almost the same size. And yes, SpaceEngine now supports decimal subclass numbers like "8.1". Solar spots are upgraded a bit also. There...