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Список изменений огромный - 3 года разработки!


Major changes:

- Procedural volumetric raymarched nebulae
- Improved resolution of planetary terrain rendering up to sand grains level
- Physically-based rendering of terrain materials and space ships
- Full VR support: native for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive with controllers, and all Steam-VR compatible HMD
- New post-processing effects
- New animated main menu, combined settings menu
- Built-in tutorials, based on a scenario scripts
- Unified settings menu
- New planet classification system
- Ported to 64 bit


- Geometry is independent of textures, faster loading of mountain silhouettes
- Nodes/textures loading priority: closer to camera are loads first
- Changed terrain error metrics to higher level of detail
- Meshless terrain rendering (vertex shader texture fetching)
- Optimized texture transfer to and from GPU
- Optimized VRAM storage of generated/loaded terrain textures - texture arrays
- Support of compressed formats for generated/loaded terrain textures
- All Solar System textures updated to be supported by a new terrain engine
- Large-scale detail textures - "biome sample textures":
--- Old texture atlas is replaced by sample textures which are stored in the texture array
--- Biome preset system to configure detail textures and palettes, replaces the planet palette system
--- Biome preset editor, embedded into the Planet editor
--- Big collection of sample textures and planet class presets
- Small-scale detail textures - "soil materials":
--- Complex terrain materials, assigned to a surface based on its color and slope
--- Soil preset system to configure materials
--- Soil preset editor, embedded into the Biome preset editor
--- PBR rendering of soil materials
--- Displacement mapping of soil materials
--- Big collection of material textures and material presets
- New landforms, based on Rodrigo's mod: rivers/canyons, rifts
- Better continent/sea trench shape function


- Clouds on gas giants and emission textures on stars cannot be switched of
- Updated close-up noise effect of rings
- The "rings winter" effect for Saturn and procedural planets
- Introduced new parameters for the planets scripts: SemiMajorAxisKm, PericenterDistKm, PeriodDays, MassKg
- Opposition effect increases the analytic brightness of a moon or planet, thus affects lighting
- Limited tidal heating of moons
- Thin dust rings around procedural planets like Saturn's E ring
- Uranus-like narrow rings around procedural planets
- Number of eclipse shadows per planet increased to 8
- Separate specular power for water and icy surfaces on planets
- Probability settings for a very massive moons and binary planets are moved to the config file
- Planets with a large moons with a mass ratio less than 20 are classified as a binary planets
- Binary planet and its companion are named "a" and "b"
- Custom models for asteroids and other planetary bodies
- Support for 3-axial ellipsoid planetary bodies, new script parameters: Oblateness (x,y,z) and Dimensions (x,y,z)
- Support for Hapke BRDF for custom planetary body models
- More realistic moon system generation for gas giants
- Added parameter "humidity" to control vegetation spread on planets with life
- Jupiter-like polar cyclones on gas giants, and script/editor parameters to control them
- Equatorial ridge on airless moons and planets
- Equatorial ridge on small moons orbiting inside parent planet's rings
- Generation of hot gas giants on polar and retrograde orbits
- Life of planets is originated based on their surface volatiles, not the class (so carbonia and ferria can produce organic life, frozen aquaria or terra can produce exotic life, etc)
- Aerial organic life on some terrestrial planets (planets which have develop a runaway greenhouse as a result of life changing atmosphere composition)
- Improved density and size distribution of small craters
- Captured outer moons may not be tidally-locked to their planets
- Updated exoplanets catalog up to June 4, 2019

New planet classification and chemistry:

- Bulk composition classes: terra (rocky planet), carbonia (carbon planet), ferria (iron planet), aquaria (water/ice planet), neptune (ice giant) and jupiter (gas giant)
- Size classes (based on planet mass): micro-, mini-, sub-, (no prefix), super-, mega-
- Surface volatiles classes: airless, arid, lacustrine, marine, oceanic, superoceanic
- Wide diversity of a possible ocean composition on planets: water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons and others; mixtures are also possible
- Updated planetary chemistry code generates not only the composition of the atmosphere, but also composition of oceans and surface ices
- Composition of ocean is in consistence with the temperature atmospheric pressure
- Supercritical ocean planets (where water vapor is a supercritical fluid) are classified as minineptunes
- Terrestrial planets with atmospheric pressure greater than 1000 atm are classified as minineptunes
- Conditions on the ocean bottom is calculated to determine whether it is rocky or covered by ice VI or ice VII; it is used to determine habitability of the planet

Solar System:

- Complete list of moons of all gas giants
- New textures for almost all planets and moons
- Analytical model of orbits of Saturn's trojan moons Helene (trojan of Dione), Calypso and Telesto (trojans of Tethys)
- Analytical model of orbits of Saturn's co-orbital moons Janus and Epimetheus, swapping orbits every 4 years
- Analytical fit of the DE-431 model for 8 major planets
- Increased texture resolution of some planets in default installation (Earth, Mars etc)


- Integrated Cirax's binary stars catalog updates 1 and 2
- Updated catalog of S stars orbiting Sagittarius A* black hole (ESO)
- More precise stellar data for all potentially habitable exoplanets
- Dense and bright corona for Wolf-Rayet stars (imitation of the powerful stellar wind)
- More realistic distribution of sunspots
- Experimental black hole jets based on comet tail particle system
- Updated data for septuple star system Nu Scorpii
- Procedural open cluster is generated in the center of a procedural diffuse nebula
- Procedural white dwarf/neutron star/black hole is generated in the center of a procedural planetary/supernova remnant nebula
- In the HDR mode star surface automatically become darker on approach to reveal details

Ray-marched nebulae:

- Volumetric nebulae rendering using ray-marching technology
- Editor for ray-marched nebula
- Fully customizable shader for ray-marched nebulae: config file describes parameters/uniforms, witch automatically added to the shader, editor and scripts
- Ability to replace model of a certain galaxy or nebula with a custom shader effect using a special script
- Presets for procedural volumetric ray-marched nebulae

Sprite nebulae and galaxies:

- Gamma-corrected rendering of E galaxies
- Hi-quality (bicubic) upsampling for rendering of volumetrics (galaxies, nebulae, comet tails, aurora)
- Galaxy/nebula sprite texture atlases are extended to 4x4 tiles
- More aggressive LOD switching for galaxy and nebula sprite models to save performance in clusters
- Integrated nebulae addons by BambusDude and Phunnie
- Integrated galaxies addon by Kexitt
- Parameters Brightness and Transparency for galaxy and nebula sprite model script

Space ships:

- Ships are separated from Planetarium and moved into Flight Simulator game mode
- Introduced mass of a ship modules and thrust of an engine modules, recalculated total mass and thrust of all default ships
- Updated ship editor
- Uncontrollable space ships on a pre-defined orbits
- The "Hold altitude" command while landing starts the starts takeoff sequence
- Experimental PBR + IBL rendering
- Added fake aerodynamics model with just a drag force, to use with UFO cheat
- Added ability to switch off (hide) space ships: a button on the Filters toolbar and a checkbox in the Settings menu, also script commands and console variables
- Script parameter 'Type' for space ships and custom planetary body models to filter them out in the Ships manager (controllable, real static, game static, custom model)
- Packed (smaller) formats of *.sm models, console command OptimizeSM to convert between them
- Support of importing obj saved in 'quads' (no need to convert to 'triangles' anymore)
- Support of DXT5-YCoCg compressed textures and BC4 compressed normal maps for space ships
- Camera binding mode is automatically set to "Follow" if ship HUD mode is changed to "Orbital" or "Warp", and to "SyncRot" if changed to "Horizontal" or "Docking"
- Hold altitude autopilot uses aerodynamics (ailerons and elevator) to keep flight direction horizontal
- Custom sound file for every engine effect, including warp drive
- Sound of nearby ships in the atmosphere


- New main menu design with animated background scene
- New settings menu, combining old player, magnitude, filters, graphics, display, sound and controls settings
- New hi-resolution fonts
- Going to the saved location adds it to the journey log
- Updated loading splash window and loading screen
- New splash window textures
- Quotes of famous scientists on loading splash window
- Click on a planet/star disk selects it
- Mouse cursor is captured in screenshots/video in "record with GUI" mode
- Mouse cursor hides itself after 2 seconds of inactive
- Displaying of orbital resonances with neighbouring bodies in the planet Wiki
- Added asteroid and KBO types to info table and Wiki
- Added credits screen and donate button to the main menu
- Colors of orbits, labels and markers could be adjusted in the GUI skin config file
- Added new soundtracks
- Large drop-down boxes (as like module selector in the ship editor) could be scrolled with mouse wheel, and are adaptive to the screen resolution
- Drop-down box behavior changed to the classic one (the box stays opened until left click)
- Labels are drawn with the big font
- Changed format of localization files, to support the new planet classification
- Added "eng-gui.cfg" localization file
- Added a new overlay - displaying the full phase area of the eclipse shadow
- Esc button closes currently opened dialog window first, then opens main menu
- Editor menu with the "palette" of tools
- Names of axes and buttons of VR controllers in the settings menu
- Graphics settings menu have options to set up resolution of warp and reflection textures, resolution of render buffer for fish eye and 360° projections
- Option in user settings to choose between planetary class name sets: terra/aquaria/neptune/jupiter or earth/titan/ice giant/gas giant
- Word "Catalog" is changed to "Real" in interface ("Catalog stars" -> "Real stars" and so on)
- Displaying azimuth and height of a celestial object when observing from planet surface (in info table and wiki)
- Checkboxes/variables to turn on/off accretion disks and jets
- Magnitude/Camera toolbar have buttons to change FOV and editable values (click and type value using keyboard)
- All sliders on the Settings dialog have editable values (click and type value using keyboard)
- Added 'Take screenshot' button to the Camera toolbar
- Localizations: ability to use custom word order in a planet classification string and make it separated by comma or conjunctive

Updated Universe Map:

- Added ambient lighting to planets
- Automatic adjust of the amount of visible object
- New "Exploration" mode
- The Universe Map have its own music theme
- Option to quickly hide procedural objects
- Smooth zooming of the Map by clicking the Zoom slider
- Elliptical galaxy haze is not rendered on a scale smaller than the galaxy's radius

Updated System Chart:

- New comparison modes: by diameter, mass, density, temperature
- The system architecture mode: 2D map of a system hierarchy
- Better controls, camera movements are limited
- The System Chart have its own music theme
- Smooth animation on changing comparison mode or filters

Updated Solar System Browser:

- The "Goto" button appears on a planet cell on mouse hovering
- When the Solar System Browser is opened and user selects a new star system and presses F2, the Solar System Browser updates the planets table instead of closing itself
- Context menu point "Browse planetary system" opens the Solar System Browser on a currently selected object's hierarchy level
- New displaying style of binary planets: both components are shown in the same cell
- F2 opens Solar system browser at selected object's hierarchy level (so if moon is selected, it opens the list of moons); Shift-F2 opens the system root level
- Displaying of the brief object info when hovering mouse over the table cell
- Displaying of solitary and binary asteroids/comets, if they were previously selected by some other method
- Double-click on the cell to enter next hierarchy level
- If Solar System Browser is opened while planetary/SNR nebula is selected, selection switches to the nebula's core star and SSB opens for it

Updated Star Browser:

- Planet classes filters are updated for the new planet classification
- Added new filters: atmosphere and ocean composition, ocean depth
- A list of a life-bearing bodies is displayed while hovering the mouse cursor over the cell in the "Life" column of the table, as like the "Filter" column
- Consequential selection of the planets in the match list by left-clicking the "Life" or "Filter" column
- New options to search only among catalog and/or procedural stars and only catalog planetary systems

Updated Wiki:

- Displays of the current (osculating) orbital parameters for objects which uses custom ephemerides
- Planet bulk composition is added to the "Physical" tab
- New tab to show the ocean data and its composition
- Displaying of equatorial, polar and mean radius of a planet, info table displays mean radius instead of equatorial
- Experimental procedural description generator
- Ability to create custom (mod) local database files for object descriptions
- New field added to the object descriptions database - Franchise
- Wiki displays info about object type: real, procedural or object form franchise
- Characters '–' (en dash, 0x96, Alt-0150) and '—' (am dash, 0x97, Alt-0151) were added to fonts

Updated Locations dialog:

- New locations browser, turned into load/save menu with locations previews
- Updated the Locations dialog - options to copy and paste a location code or url to/from the clipboard
- New system for sharing locations: a protocol for se:// URLs
- The Player settings dialog has a button to register se:// protocol in your system to be able to open se:// url with SE (administrator right required!)
- When loading location, its preview is shown on the loading screen with the scanline effect

Updated planet editor:

- Parameter RotationOffset for the Clouds
- Option to link change of orbital period and semimajor axis (automatic re-computation if another were changed)
- Editing comet tail parameters
- Editing procedural planetary rings parameters
- Editing surface and clouds glow map color and brightness
- Editing aurora colors
- Surface or clouds parameter TempMapMaxTemp to define which temperature in Kelvins corresponding to white pixels in the temperature map
- Preserving NO_DATA values of sliders (fix of exporting weird values like -1.#IND)
- Sliders displays NO_DATA values, slider handle is invisible in that case
- To set NO_DATA value to the parameter, type anything but a number into the slider's input field
- Preserving zero values of logarithmic sliders (fix of exporting weird values like -1.#IND)
- Logarithmic sliders displays log(0) value if attached parameter is zero, slider handle is invisible in that case
- To set 0 value to the parameter of the logarithmic slider, type 0 into slider's input field
- Button to toggle the ship editor from the planet editor for the "fake host planet" of a static ship
- Button to toggle the planet editor from the ship editor for the "fake host planet" of a static ship


- Ability to bind a change of stereobase on keys and gamepad/joystick buttons
- Removed the "Auto velocity" button
- Joystick/controller bindings are saved to its own config file
- Camera clips at ocean surface if moved faster than 1 km/s, diving is possible at lower speeds
- Switch to a shooter-like rotation controls near surface of a planet (fixed vertical axis)
- Configurable sensitivity of analog actions for keyboard and controller: turns, change of velocity, stereobase, time speed, exposure and interface scrolling
- Configurable controller axis dead zone (in the controller config file)
- Proper names of buttons and axes of XBox360-compatible game controllers
- Default config file for XBox360-compatible game controllers
- Separate keys binding tab in the settings menu for the Map and Chart modes, hotkeys for some of Map and Chart functions


- High-dynamic range rendering with autoexposure
- Proper surface brightness of all space objects
- New smooth bloom effect
- Pseudo lens flare post-effect with several preset configs
- Configurable post-processing effects: sharpness, brightness, contrast, saturation, gamma, controls in the setting menu
- Separate brightness, contrast, saturation, gamma controls for galaxies and nebulae (config/console only)
- Optimized lens flare rendering performance
- Lens flares are disappearing smoothly below horizon or behind occluders
- Tone-correct resolving of MSAA buffers (fixes MSAA on bright edges)
- Different mirror modes in VR, with ability to capture video from the main window
- Planet/moon star-like particle is now rendered on the body's crescent rather than in its center
- Improved performance of the envmap rendering
- Updated impostors system for galaxy/nebula rendering
- CPU/GPU performance counters, better debug screen
- Optimized orbital paths rendering
- More realistic eclipse shadow "darkness" and gamma
- Changed the nearest planetary system search algorithm, so now star will not blink during approaching to it
- All auto-generated rendering shaders are changed to the uber-shaders with custom defines
- Compiled shader binary in the cache is updated automatically if shader's glsl source code were modified in runtime
- Smooth appearance of generated stars and galaxies while moving at large speed
- Reduced aliasing of thin atmosphere crescent when planet is far away
- Option to link stars particles size with resolution of SE window/screen
- Hotkey to minimize SE from the fullscreen mode


- Introduced scenario scripting system
- Built-in tutorials, based on a scenario scripts
- Parsing executable's command line parameters - ability to run a script file by double-clicking on it
- Command line argument to launch SE in a specified 3D/VR mode (for Steam launch options)
- New type of object - the waypoint, used in the scripts, works with autopilot
- Variables to control labels and marker size
- All variables can be animated using script command Interpolate
- Customizable main menu, all buttons and actions are described in a special script script data/scripts/MainMenu.cfg
- Ability to create a custom menu with script-running buttons
- Each button in the main menu can launch a custom scenario script
- GUI skin scripts have a link to a main menu script, so each skin can use its own menu layout
- New BB code [LOC]text[/LOC], used to translate a text enclosed in it; supported in Wiki, scripts and main menu
- Localizations have the "Custom" section to work with the [LOC] code
- Any text displayed in scenario scripts can be translated by the locale config (implicit use of the [LOC] code)
- Fine-tuning parameters of the Goto script command: acceleration, drift and deceleration duration, acceleration and deceleration exponent power
- Ability to change keys, mouse and joysticks bindings by a script command
- Ability to show/hide for every single constellation by a script command
- Command to switch the audio output device
- Command to load custom image and put it on top of screen as overlay
- Command to Screenshot: options to set the file name pattern, format and GUI capture
- Command PrintTranslations "script.se" types to the log all strings which have/require localization (used in ShowMessage and WaitMessage commands)

Astronomical catalogs:

- Character '|' in planet name in script replaced with '/' in SpaceEngine's interface (useful for names such as "S/2006 S1")
- Character '$' in planet name in script did not printed in SpaceEngine's interface (useful to solve name conflicts with real objects)
- Catalog planet bulk density is taken into account when assigning a class for it (if both mass and radius were known)
- Updated exoplanet catalog, planets with mass > 13 Mj are treated as brown dwarfs
- Some brown dwarfs in the catalog were re-classified as a planemo (rogue planets)
- Planemo could have a dwarf-like spectral class (M9.5P, L7P, etc)
- Added displaying, generation and usage of metallicity data for stars
- Implemented ephemerides for planets and moons: JPL (DE-xxx), VSOP87, MARS1.0, L1.2 TASS1.7, GUST86
- Implemented IAU rotational model for planets and moons, and JPL (DE-xxx) lunar libration model
- Support of all JPL ephemeris binary files up to DE436 from this site ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/Linux/
- Parameter RotationOffset in the Clouds {} tag in planet scripts
- Parameters to configure procedural rings in planet scripts
- Surface and clouds parameter TempMapMaxTemp to define which temperature in Kelvins corresponding to white pixels in the temperature map
- Alpha component of ModulateColor parameter in the Clouds {} tag is separated to its own parameter - Opacity
- Added more error checks during the catalogs loading
- New parameters for Star and StarBarycenter in the star catalog:
-- ForceSystemLum - force star particle to have lum/appmag provided in the star catalog, ignoring combined lum of components
-- Hidden - hide star particle and ignore attempts to select the system except from the scripts
- Parameter Parallax for star catalogs
- Parameter LuminosityBol for star catalogs to specify bolometric luminosity, this fixes temperature on known exoplanets
- Parameter RadiusInfo for planet catalogs, similar to OblatenessInfo for objects with a global shape defined by elevation map data
- Displaying the file path and line number of any catalog object in the debug mode
- Reduced model radius of asteroids to make them more or less fit the mean radius specified in UI/catalogs
- Parameters venusMagn and venusFreq of the Surface tag controls global shape of asteroids
- Parameters DistLy and RadiusLy to define distance to object and its radius in light-years units
- Parameter NoModel for nebula catalogs (to add named nebulae which are parts of a larger models)
- Parameter GenerateStars for nebula catalogs (to generate procedural open cluster in the center of a catalog nebula)

Virtual Reality:

- Full VR support: native for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive with controllers, and all Steam-VR compatible HMD
- Controller gesture to change the scene stereo depth (the "God eye mode")
- Gaze controls of the interface in VR
- Mouse cursor in VR with VR controllers is only visible over GUI
- VR controller ray is limited by the GUI plane
- Added "depth" effect to the lens flares and ghosts in VR, controlled by a parameter in the flare/ghost config file
- SE is exiting to main menu if VR helmet is taken off from user head
- Added ability to use super-resolution in VR (VRRenderScaleMax in the config file)
- Separate MSAA settings for VR

Planetarium capabilities:

- New orbital lines rendering, settings menu have options to control thickness of lines for major and minor bodies separately
- Constellation lines, boundaries and names
- Rendering of various celestial coordinate grids: equatorial, ecliptic, galactic
- Displaying geographic coordinate grid on planets
- Ability to change position of labels near planetary and deep space objects (stars, galaxies)
- Separate switches for planet vectors (polar axis, prime meridian, velocity and direction to parent object)
- Added "Hide/show object" option to the right-click menu

Advanced capabilities:

- Updated video capture dialog
- Spline paths for scripted flybys, editor, integration to scripts and video capture system
- More responsive texture export dialog (no hanging while doing job)
- Implemented exporting skyboxes directly to dds cubemap format
- Support of export of 16-bit skybox textures (in png and tiff formats)
- Support of export of 32-bit floating-point skybox textures (in dds and tiff formats)
- Lens flares are rendered in Fish eye, Cylindrical and Cube map modes
- Anisotropic mipmapping for Fish eye, Cylindrical and Cube map modes (improves quality)
- Various frame formats for 360 cubemap output
- Checkerboard pattern for the Fish eye and cylindrical projection modes
- Optimized fish eye rendering: faces are cropped according to used lens FOV
- Checkbox for saving screenshot transparency on the Player settings tab
- Checkbox for saving video frame transparency on the Video capture settings dialog


- Ported to 64-bit
- Implemented Steam DLC system
- Implemented SpaceEngine PRO DLC with some exclusive features
- Last used variables can be changed by Ctrl-Shift-Arrows keys in the debug mode
- Implemented graphics quality/performance presets: low, medium, high, ultra and custom
- Automatic VSync uses actual refresh rate of the current display
- Support of encrypted pak files
- Change of SE versioning scheme: 0.990.15.1451 (major, minor, build, revision)
- Automatic cache wiping if current SE version differs from one read from the log file of the previous launch
- Loading splash window is per-monitor DPI-aware (scales itself according to DPI settings)
- Configurable/moddable splash window layout
- SE main window is per-monitor DPI-aware (uses screen-native resolution)


- Fixed discontinuities in the fish eye/cylindrical/cubemap projection
- Fixed texture aliasing and cube edges effect on star surface
- Fixed bug with not initialized user name in the user settings menu at startup
- Fixed flipped sign of declination labels on the equatorial grid
- Fixed issues in main menu in 3D modes
- Fixed bug with inability to open a toolbar
- Fixed incorrect initializing of orbital point markers mode
- Fixed too bright planets/moons in a previews in the Solar System browser
- Fixed some errors in catalogs
- Fixed "blackout" bug
- Fixed disappearing of a planet when camera is in it's shadow and planet is unselected
- Fixed bug with wrong calculating of barycenter mass of Sagittarius A* and other supermassive black hole systems
- Fixed bug with cached shader caches when disabling detail textures
- Fixed non-initialized object info in the Journey log
- Fixed a bug with disappearing of lens flares near a surface of a planet
- Fixed discontinuity in lighting on asteroids
- Fixed bug with lighting of a night side of tidally locked planets with opaque clouds
- Fixed z-fighting of clouds on gas giants
- Fixed redundant lines in stars motion blur
- Fixed some errors in the planet script exporting
- Fixed issues with camera rotation on a window resolutions larger than screen resolution
- Fixed inclinations of procedural outer moons of gas giants
- Fixed a crash when rendering a ship module with a detail diffuse texture, but without a main diffuse texture
- Fixed saving of a ship's cfg file into '#' folder
- If music player was stopped, it will not resume after entering the main menu or minimizing and restoring of the SE window
- Fixed incorrect orientation of a planet rotation axis defined by PoleRA/PoleDec
- Fixed incorrect rotation of the Sun
- Fixed Wiki database import function
- Fixed depth of labels in VR mode
- Fixed some bugs in the script parser
- Fixed hot titans/iceworlds bug
- Fixed shifting of the solar eclipse shadow on sky and water on oblate planets
- Fixed inability to specify more than 2048 Mb of the VRAM in the config
- Fixed "horizon" command on oblate planets
- Fixed behavior on the mouse cursor then closing a window beneath it
- Fixed noticeable blocky look of the star surface
- Fixed positions and/or names of 21 star systems in the binary stars catalog
- Fixed vertical seam line in the cylindrical/360 projection
- Fixed "nimbus-like" aurora on planets with thick atmospheres
- Fixed bug with incorrect working of exotic life biome filter in the star browser
- Fixed many artifacts with ocean rendering
- Fixed fading out deep space objects in Wiki preview when using it from surface of planet with atmosphere
- Fixed inaccuracies in aurora ring placement by longitude and latitude
- Fixed wrong final orientation of camera when switching between ship's behind cameras when ship is rotating
- Fixed accretion disk temperature in catalog binary systems
- Fixed incorrect reading of some stellar classes from catalog
- Fixed setting FOV to 90° when leaving the Fish eye mode
- Fixed crash on exporting 8k screenshots/video frames
- Fixed graphical artifacts in giant elliptical galaxies
- Fixed disappearing of near galaxies (like Magellanic clouds) when they are out of the field of view for a few seconds
- Fixed some bugs in generation of a massive binary stars
- Fixed offsetting of the Map mode sphere in VR while zooming/rotating it
- Fixed bug with undocking of all ships if Simulator mode was never used in some of previous launches

Beta bugfixes/changes:

- Save, Reload and Undo in the nebula editor
- Fixed bug with star polar faces
- Fixed stars motion blur
- Fixed eclipse shadow bug
- Fixed rendering of orbits of a static ships
- Fixed multiple bugs in the ship editor
- Fixed lens flare + accretion disk bug
- Fixed color saturation of star corona and atmosphere
- Fixed drag & rotate with controllers in VR
- Fixed lens flare rendering when sun is outside the screen
- Changed barycenter rendering in the Chart mode
- Unlocked right-drag rotation of tidally-locked planets in the Chart mode
- Fixed clearing of the cache and updating of the user config at the first launch
- Fixed raymarched nebulae
- Fixed Vive controllers depth at the "god size" mode
- Fixed a procedural bifurcation of a catalog Wolf-Rayet stars which ignoring the StarProcBifurcation parameter
- Fixed lens flare rendering in VR when Rendering resolution option set to reduced value
- Fixed offset/cut of the labels in the VR when Rendering resolution option set to reduced value
- Fixed a crash on merging two scripts of a planet which uses analytical rotation model
- Fixed a dark spot bug in the atmosphere in center of a day hemisphere of a planet
- Fixes saving of the sml file into a wrong folder while importing model from obj + mtl
- Fixed warp effects in the Fish eye mode
- Fixed artifacts in raymarched nebulae on some machines (disabled anisotropy for noise textures)
- Fixed Steam overlay on AMD
- Implemented search of nearest clusters and nebulae
- Implemented rewind in the camera path editor
- Fixed crash on export planet textures when texture compression is enabled
- Fixed clamping of gas giant mass to ~1.5 Mj
- Fixed brown dwarf clouds brightness
- Fixed specular spot visible from far distance on Solar System icy bodies
- Fixed ocean bottom composition on Earth
- Specifying of both ocean and atmosphere composition is now required, if any (error message is logged)
- Added ocean density and bottom composition as script parameters
- Added default palette/biome presets for ferria and carbonia planets
- Adjusted probabilities of generation of ferria and carbonia planets
- Words "desertic" and "non-desertic" were changed to "arid" and "non-arid" in all localizations
- Values "Desertic" and "NonDesertic" were changed to "Arid" and "NonArid" in all planet biome/palette preset files
- Fixed bug with wrong assignment of the raymarched nebula models which have UseForObject parameter
- Fixed non-change of a planet class when it has life which modifies atmosphere temperature too much
- Fixed wrong interaction of "show spacecraft" option in settings with static ships and asteroids/comets implemented as a ship models
- Fixed generation of only M0V stars in the globular cluster's supermassive black hole system
- Fixed Chart mode in the procedural supermassive black hole system
- Fixed performance issue in the autoexposure mode
- Fixed unwanted change of star luminosity class during loading (just noting suggested new luminosity class in the log)
- Raymarched nebula is not rendered in the Map mode on a scale smaller than the nebula's radius
- 'Magnitude' toolbar and tab in the settings is renamed to 'Camera', added related changes in localization files
- Fixed cutting of the very long text in the tutorial's message box
- Optimized RAM consumption by galaxies at a large screen resolution
- Fixed camera binding and position at first entering the flight sim mode
- Fixed changing of the location preview file name when re-saving it
- Fixed artifacts with black hole rendering in the fish eye mode
- Fixed galaxy brightness in the black hole and ship warp cubemap
- Fixed bug with bright blue stars generated as a binary black holes
- Fixed bugs on saving location from the main menu, chart or map mode
- Separated brightness calibration values for sprite and raymarch nebulae
- Fixed wrong orientation of terrain detail texture normals
- Fixed crash on loading indexed png textures
- Fixed bug with centering of the Universe Map
- Removed PlanenVSFetching, it is now the only rendering mode
- Fixed flashing of terrain textures/meshes on turns or fast movements
- Fixed GenerateStars parameter in nebula catalogs
- Fixed crash on restoring planet int the editor
- Fixed bug on cloning terrain material in the editor
- Fixed camera shaking when near planet or a ship