Terrain engine upgrade #6

During the past two months, I have been working 50/50 on Overview and SpaceEngine. Work on Overview continues: we are still not released on the Oculus Store, and are preparing some updates for the Steam and Viveport releases.Regarding SE, I continue to work on the...

OVERVIEW took the first place!

Fantastic news! OVERVIEW has won first prize in its category at the 2018 Viveport Developer Awards! https://blog.vive.com/us/2018/03/19/viveport-announces-vda2-winners/ The $50,000 prize will be shared between Orbital Views and SpaceEngine....

New videos


OVERVIEW won the 2018 Viveport Developer Awards!

OVERVIEW won the Education nomination of the 2018 Viveport Developer Awards: https://www.roadtovr.com/htc-announces-2018-viveport-developer-awards-nominees-50k-prize-money-grabs/ It's not clear yet which place, first or second, but it competes with the Bartender VR Simulator...

OVERVIEW release

Yesterday the SpaceEngine spin-off OVERVIEW was released on Steam.Get OVERVIEW on SteamRead the review article on space.comOVERVIEW is an educational app for VR, based on SpaceEngine. I've worked on it with the French company Orbital Views for more than a year. I've already written about...

Terrain engine upgrade #5

Terrain engine upgrade is incessant work. I am decided to stop experiments and freezing out the current texturing method. I have updated biomes and materials preset editors, added a real-time preview of the editing texture, created a default presets for all types of planets.This is...

Current work

Past weeks I worked hard on preparing for release of the OVERVIEW. It is now online on Vive Port, the Steam page is also online, but release there will be within few weeks. Oculus Store need some additional work.The major changes in VR are implementation...

Custom 3D models for asteroids

The new feature - static (uncontrollable) ships, space stations and planetary bases - are handled by SE as a fake "satellites" with a custom 3D models. They uses a Keplerian orbits as a normal planets or moons do, or a static position relative to the...

Terrain engine upgrade #4

This is the last blog post in this year, obviously)) A month ago I started a new experiment - splitting detail textures into two sets:Material (soil) textures, which are used at a centimeter-scale levels. These are sand, pebbles, grass etc textures. Sample textures, which are used...

PBR rendering #1

Duke experimenting with the PBR - physically-based rendering, combined with IBL - image-based lighting. In order to integrate this in SE, I added support of PBR textures set for ships, ability to specify if the material requires the environment map, and implemented a pre-filtering pass...