This small patch adds few bugfixes, and was released to the public branch. It was merged with the previous patch 0.990.38.1730.
The header image is a prominent triple solar eclipse on Jupiter, occurred at January 24, 2015. This event makes noticeable a bug in SE: orientation of analytical orbits of Jovian moons was inaccurate. As a result, Callisto's shadow missed Jupiter's disk. This is fixed now. Note that if you plan Jupiter observations with SE, you must take into account light travel delay, which is not yet modeled by SE (35-50 minutes for Jupiter).
Build 0.990.38.1740
Fixed bug with erroneous planetary systems in globular clusters
Fixed completely black areas on cold red giants in auto/manual exposure mode
Fixed incorrect orientation of orbits of Galilean moons
Hapke parameters for coherent backscatter for planet surface, clouds and ringsBuild 0.990.38.1730
New Titan textures by retro-visor
Adjusted gamma of Jupiter and Io textures
Adjusted photometric properties of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites for increased accuracy
Gamma correction for planet textures: parameter in catalog scripts and slider in the editor
Added ability to specify a threshold for the bloom effect (doesn't affect anything by default).
New music by Lokijar
Fixed bug with selection of wrong screenshot file format at startup
Fixed displaying of incorrect axis tilt for procedural planets
Fixed generation of too many extremely tilted procedural planets [pending for for 0.991]
Updated localizations
Updated exoplanet catalog (September 10, 2019)
Added comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) and other minor bodies
Added names for 5 recently named satellites of Jupiter
Solar system browser: fixed empty (globe) previews in the very long list of satellites
Fixed model of the galaxy ESO 510-G13
Fixed bug with displacement and flickering of star lens flares in fish eye/cylindrical/cube modes what happened in distant galaxies
Fixed bug with displacement of autoexposure metering zone (other autoexposure metering bugs still exist)