Update 0.990.38.1730

Todays build 0.990.38.1730 is released in the beta branch, so if you want to test this, feel free to join the beta. Changes:
The new textures are based on Ian Regan's global infrared map, but with overlayed radar maps of Titan's lakes, which have much better resolution than the IR map.
Screenshot of the Jovian system with adjusted gamma/brightness and Hapke parameters. Now it is as close to real as possible, thanks to HarbingerDawn. Jupiter and its moons should have realistic relative and absolute brightness in auto/manual exposure mode now.
When using the editor, gamma is not updated in real-time, i.e. you must press the "Update planet" button. This is because gamma correction changes the color of the surface, and this affects how detail textures are applied. So gamma correction must be done during texture loading or generation, not at render time. Gamma adjustment can be applied to both real and procedural planets.
You can experiment with it using the console command BloomThreshold (e.g. set BloomThreshold 0.5 - the default value is 0 (all pixels bloom, like previously), and a value of 1 means that only pixels with values that exceed the dynamic range of the scene will cause bloom. Note: values greater than 0 will produce subtle color artifacts near the threshold level on surfaces that are not colorless, due to the way the threshold is currently applied.)