I made a small program that processes the asteroids database from the Minor Planets Center. It have 600,000+ asteroids, Kuiper belt objects and other small bodies. Currently SE can't handle such great amount of objects, so program makes a selection of Main belt asteroids larger than 10 km, Juiper trojans greater than 50 km etc. Resulting catalog consists of 2000+ objects:

Inner Solar System with Main belt, Jupiter trojans, and NEOs (Near-Earth Objects).

Outer Solar System with Kiuper belt, Centaturs, Plutinos, Resonant TNOs and Scattered disk objects. Note the gaps caused by Milky Way (there are less objects discovered in sky area covered by Milky Way, because millions of background stars making this difficult).

There is a great problem with such a big catalog - loading time is soo big. I must improve performance of the script parser, or implement a new format for catalogs. I think of a table format, that can be used for asteroids, exoplanets and exoplanet host stars. It may look like this:

AbsM  Slope Epoch    MeanAnom   ArgOfPeri  AscNode    Inclin    Eccentr    MeanMotion  SMA        Name
3.34  0.12  2456401  327.85412  72.16707   80.33008   10.59423  0.0761669  0.21402110  2.7679930  "Ceres"
4.13  0.11  2456401  310.04462  309.95442  173.11974  34.83680  0.2314997  0.21355547  2.7720151  "Pallas"
5.33  0.32  2456401  257.63928  248.30984  169.88278  12.97937  0.2553054  0.22581776  2.6707341  "Juno"
3.20  0.32  2456401  218.17155  150.94008  103.85019  7.13991   0.0882571  0.27143216  2.3624458  "Vesta"
6.85  0.15  2456401  117.11980  358.85091  141.59723  5.36723   0.1907416  0.23856139  2.5747552  "Astraea"
5.71  0.24  2456401  232.72225  239.37712  138.71044  14.74654  0.2017542  0.26086353  2.4258306  "Hebe"
5.51  0.15  2456401  271.79314  145.38098  259.63714  5.52450   0.2304693  0.26737519  2.3862832  "Iris"
6.49  0.28  2456401  250.94554  285.32996  110.92216  5.88785   0.1562033  0.30169179  2.2017114  "Flora"
6.28  0.17  2456401  49.27220   5.82053    68.94445   5.57523   0.1226962  0.26743715  2.3859146  "Metis"
5.43  0.15  2456401  121.95663  312.75812  283.41815  3.84190   0.1161087  0.17738834  3.1370348  "Hygiea"

This format is more compact and easy to load, but don't allow using parameters that are missing in the header. Objects that uses additional parameters must still use the old (script) catalog format.