Solar system browser
Implemented a "browser" of a planetary system - a table of thumbnails of the system's planets and suns. Cells of the table are clickable: when you click on a cell, the object it describes is selected: you can go to it with G key and so on. I don't know how to make the browser convenient for moons. Show them in the same table near planets? I can make their thumbnails very small so that they do not take up much space. Or make some sort of drop-down menu (making the browser 2-dimensional)? But the gas giants can have 60-100 moons, most of which are asteroid-like. Ignore such small moons? Another problem is multiple star systems: there can be 2 or more suns in the system, which could have planets; some planets also may orbit the common barycenter of a star pair. Looks like the browser should be three-dimensional...
Example of how browser looks now for a binary star system. It has no planets around the common barycenter though.
Or Solar System. It shows 11 planets, 3 of which are dwarfs (Ceres, Pluto and Eris).